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A fairy tale

A few words about Bajkowisko

The 26th edition of Bajkowiska is ahead of us - a nine-day, theatrically and creatively diverse event attended by multi-generational families: grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren aged 1-101 from Poland and abroad.

A short history lesson

It all started at the St. Fair.

Dominica in 1998. Then the 1st Review of Backyard Theaters for Children started.

The idea was to organize time for children spending their holidays in the city, in the yard, at the beater (by the way - there are no beaters anymore...). So far, we have hosted about 50 theaters that played about 200 performances on the stages at ul. Święta Ducha , at Targ Węglowy, Targ Rybny, Kobzdej Square, Świętopełk Square... and again at Targ Rybny Despite its rich and long history, we spare no effort to make it still a fresh and exciting event.
We have no doubt that, like every year, this edition will also be extraordinary and unforgettable.
We are looking forward to meetings filled with creative fun, theater, friendly humor and, above all, good energy provided by the most important characters of Bajkowiska, i.e. the youngest. We are glad that the children's enthusiasm effectively infected their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles... and ourselves, preventing us from falling into routine.

"Colorful and outdoor"

Under this slogan, we will play and have fun during this year's edition of the event.
Every day starts with Hyde Park, during which children present their vocal, dancing, oratorical, skill skills and much, much more... The next hour and a half includes thematic workshops, competitions, games, songs and dances.

At the end of the meeting, viewers have the opportunity to enjoy a theater performance. BAJKOWISKO - a unique form of spending family holidays in the world of fun, laughter, adventure and theater that develops artistic sensitivity.

Helios Cinema invites you to Bajkowisko

Gdańsk International Fair – AMBEREXPO
Żaglowa 11, 80-560 Gdańsk
The organizer of the St Dominic's Fair is AMBEREXPO - one of the most modern exhibition and congress facilities in Poland. We specialize in organizing local, national and international events: fairs, exhibitions, congresses, conferences, events, fairs, outdoor events.