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This Sunday is the 29th Bread Festival in Gdańsk

St Dominic's Fair, which is taking place this year for the 764th time, is a long-standing tradition of Gdańsk, and for 29 years one of the important program events has been the Bread Festival. This year's edition will take place on July 28 (Sunday) at Heweliusz Square, offering many attractions and tastings of delicious bread and confectionery. The program will be on stage and in the program tents from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

The 29th Bread Festival is part of the strategy of promoting healthy eating of the Fund for the Promotion of Cereal Grains and Grain Products, which finances it. For artisan bakers, this is an excellent opportunity to build relationships with customers and promote high-quality cereal products, which is part of the trend of consciously planning meals containing good bread.

During the Bread Festival, there will be tastings of bakery and confectionery products, you will be able to take part in competitions in which the prizes will be flour and bakery products, and enjoy artistic performances, among others. sing shanties together with the Trzy Majtki Band. The Qfer Theater will provide attractions for younger participants of the Bread Festival. In the consultation zone, experts and dietitians will support those interested in professional knowledge on how to choose the right bread for their daily diet.

The event is addressed to all guests of the Fair, who, in addition to tasting bread, will have the opportunity to learn about the Pomeranian traditions of craftsmen who run bakeries and confectioneries. Young people interested in the bakery profession will have the opportunity to meet and talk to Masters of the profession, and thus gain additional knowledge about job opportunities in this profession.

The Bread Festival is also a valuable opportunity for the craftsmen themselves to exchange experiences and talk directly with consumers to better understand their expectations.

The Guild of Bakers and Confectioners in Gdańsk has once again prepared and will conduct the "Home-Baked Bread Competition". We invite everyone who bakes bread at home to participate and have it assessed by a professional jury consisting of baking technologists. Attractive prizes await the winners.

The organization of this event was possible thanks to the cooperation of the organizing committee, which includes representatives of the Association of Baking Craftsmen of the Republic of Poland, the Guild of Bakers and Confectioners in Gdańsk and MTG. The 29th Bread Festival in Gdańsk is financed from the Fund for the Promotion of Cereal Grains and Grain Products.

Gdańsk International Fair – AMBEREXPO
Żaglowa 11, 80-560 Gdańsk
The organizer of the St Dominic's Fair is AMBEREXPO - one of the most modern exhibition and congress facilities in Poland. We specialize in organizing local, national and international events: fairs, exhibitions, congresses, conferences, events, fairs, outdoor events.